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Clenbuterol cycle plan !

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Clenbuterol cycle plan ! Empty Clenbuterol cycle plan !

Mensagem  NunoAfonso Qua Mar 03, 2010 4:58 am

Encontrei este artigo e achei interessante e muito elucidativo !

"Clenbuterol cycle plan with T3 & Ketotifen, the ultimate stacked cycle."

"For those who have a lot of weight to lose, or have been fighting the weight for years with no reaction, there are some Clenbuterol stacks that will push your body to the limit of its fat burning capabilities.

You will need: Clenbuterol Hydrochloride 40mcg Tablets (Tiny White Tablet), T3 Cytomix 80mcg Tablets (Yellow Tablet) and Ketotifen 1mg Tablets (Larger White Tablet with Score).

For women you will need 100x 40mcg Clenbuterol tabs. 100 x Cytomix Tablets and 100 x 1mg Ketotifen Tabs. This can be purchased HERE.

For men you will need 200 x 40mcg Clenbuterol tabs. 100 x Cytomix Tablets and 100 x 1mg Ketotifen Tabs. This can be purchased HERE (this may last a man longer than the first cycle but this is hard to tell in advance if you have never taken Clenbuterol, as you will discover below).

The Clenbuterol will raise your bodies temperature and heartrate, therefore burning more calories per hour. Normally your body will not get any effect from Clenbuterol after 3 weeks, but this is why we take it with Ketotifen.

The Ketotifen will keep your Beta 2 receptors in good shape, meaning you can use Clenbuterol for longer up to 6 weeks. (Clenbuterol can not safely be used for longer than 3 weeks, without a 3 week break, unless you are using Ketotifen daily from the second week).

The T3 Cytomix will stimulate your thyroid increasing your metabolism.

This is a 9 Week Cycle

The Clenbuterol is taken every day, in the morning, from week 1 to week 6.
The Ketotifen is taken everyday, before bed, in weeks 2-6
The T3 Cytomel is taken everyday in weeks 1-3 & 7-9 (giving you 3 weeks on, 3 weeks off, 3 weeks on)

Special Attention needs to be paid to the start AND end of your 6 Weeks of Clenbuterol, start with a small dose for the first 2 days, the a slightly higher dose for another 2 days and then your max/recommended dose for the remainder of the cycle. When you come to the end of the cycle, reverse the process, taking slightly less for 2 days, then slightly less for another 2 days and then stopping.

THE FIRST TIME YOU TAKE CLENBUTEROL: You must establish for yourself what is the correct dosage. For a woman it will be between 40-100mcg, for a man between 80-160mcg. You start on 20-40mcg for a couple of days, then you raise to 40-80mcg for a couple more days.. at this point you should “feel” the clenbuterol working, if your hands are shaking slightly, don’t worry that should subside in a day, if it does not you are taking slightly too much and you need to reduce your dose 20-40mcg. So it’s the point where your taking just less than the amount that makes your hands tremble that you want to find and this is your MAX dose. You want to be taking enough Clenbuterol to be “feeling it” when your doing your workout, but not so much that your hands are shaking and making you feel uncomfortable.

EXTRA Special Attention needs to be paid to the start AND end of your 3 weeks usage of T3 Cytomel. You must also start on a low dose and gradually work your way up, but it is far more important with T3 than with Clenbuterol.

For Global Anabolics Cytomix 80mcg Tablets (60mcg of T3 mixed with 20mcg of T4)
Start on 1/2 a pill a day for the first 2 days, then 1 pill a day for 2 days, then 1 1/2 pills per day for the remainder of the 3 weeks, until the end when you MUST reverse this process.

Ketotifen take 2 tablets a day everyday before bed from week 2-6.
The thing to remember about Ketotifen is that is makes you drowsy and you should not take it in the morning or before driving your car.


Gostava de opiniões e que o Sik mete-se aqui a sua fórmula da sua LipoBomb ! pirat

Mensagens : 41
Data de inscrição : 27/02/2010
Idade : 34
Localização : Lisboa

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Clenbuterol cycle plan ! Empty Re: Clenbuterol cycle plan !

Mensagem  Colossus Qua Mar 03, 2010 9:41 am

Prefiro o salbutamol ao inves do clembuterol, ja que tem uma meia-vida mais curta, o que permite que o possas usar e ainda assim evitar as insónias, suores nocturnos, etc.
Tambem sou um bocado contra o uso de estimulantes para o efeito de perda adiposa. O mais importante é sempre a dieta.

Cumprimentos! Wink

Mensagens : 904
Data de inscrição : 16/11/2009
Idade : 41
Localização : Planeta Terra!

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Clenbuterol cycle plan ! Empty Re: Clenbuterol cycle plan !

Mensagem  Sik Qua Mar 03, 2010 9:48 am

Concordo com o colossus.

Se bem que esse esquema parece-me muito bem estruturado.

Lipobomb era 2 doses dia. Hoje em dia se tomasse seria com alterações.

Cada dose:
- 200mg de cafeina anidra
- 10 mg de Yohimbine
- 500mg de chá verde
- 30mg de Guggulsterones
- 1.5g de ALCAR
- 1000mg de L-tyrosin

Mensagens : 443
Data de inscrição : 16/11/2009
Idade : 37
Localização : Queluz

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